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Securing permission to display images is an ongoing effort.
All Artists
Keith Achepohl
Robert Adams
Victoria Adams
Josef Albers
Glen Alps
Guy Anderson
Anne Appleby
Diane Arbus
Richard Artschwager
Richard Avedon
Jo Baer
Jane Baldwin
Jim Ball
Lewis Baltz
Virginia Banks
Thomas F. Barrow
Jennifer Bartlett
Michael Becotte
Paul Berger
Nancy Blum
Wendell Phillips Brazeau
Michael Brophy
Ree Brown
John Buck
Louis Demott Bunce
Jerry Burchard
Jim Burns
Michael Burns
Weldon Butler
John Cage
Eduardo Calderon
Harry Callahan
Colleen Chartier
Carl T. Chew
Dale Chihuly
Andrew Chinn
Fay Chong
Dan Christensen
Larry Clark
Fransceco Clemente
Sally Cleveland
Chuck Close
Claire Cowie
Robert Cumming
Willem de Kooning
Peter de Lory
Walter De Maria
Mark di Suvero
Richard Diebenkorn
Jim Dine
John Divola
William Eggleston
Nanci Erskine
Dan Flavin
Sam Francis
Helen Frankenthaler
Lee Friedlander
Tod Gangler
T. Michael Gardiner
Ingeborg Gerdes
Justin Gibbens
Ralph Gibson
Ford Gilbreath
Boyer Gonzales
Arshile Gorky
John Gossage
Adolph Gottlieb
Emmet Gowin
John Graham
Morris Graves
Jan Groover
Philip Guston
Alfred Harris
Randy Hayes
C. Blake Haygood
Robert Heinecken
Michael Heizer
Al Held
Zama Vanessa Helder
Robert Helm
Yuji Hiratsuka
Hans Hofmann
William Hoppe
Paul Horiuchi
Walter Isaacs
Christopher James
Paul Jenkins
George Johanson
Jasper Johns
Fay Jones
Donald Judd
Helmi Juvonen
Alex Katz
Andrew Keating
Ellsworth Kelly
Leo Kenney
Franz Kline
Gwendolyn Clarine ("Gwen") Knight
Carolyn Krieg
Les Krims
Jacob Lawrence
Alfred Leslie
Roy Lichtenstein
Kent Lovelace
Norman Lundin
Brice Marden
Sherry Markovitz
Agnes Martin
James Martin
Stephen McClelland
Deborah Mersky
Roger Mertin
Duane Michals
Richard Misrach
Jeffry Mitchell
Hilda Morris
Robert Morris
Robert Motherwell
Bruce Nauman
Bea Nettles
Barnett Newman
Barbara Noah
Claes Oldenburg
Jules Olitski
Marvin Oliver
Bruce Patterson
Philip Pearlstein
Judy Pfaff
John Pfahl
Jackson Pollock
Larry Poons
Mary Randlett
Robert Rauschenberg
Nancy Rexroth
Dyan Rey
C.T. Chew & Bill Ritchie
Bill H. Ritchie Jr.
Barbara Robertson
Jose Luis Rodriguez
James Rosenquist
Joan Stuart Ross
Susan Rothenberg
Mark Rothko
Arthur Runquist
Robert Ryman
Kiyoshi Saito
Ikune Sawada
George Segal
Frances Senska
Richard Serra
David Smith
Eve Sonneman
Michael Spafford
Frank Stella
Myron Stout
Akio Takamori
Barbara Earl Thomas
Mark Tobey
Terry Toedtemeier
Karen Truax
George Tsutakawa
Cy Twombly
Windsor Utley
Andy Warhol
Wesley C. Wehr
Myra Albert Wiggins
William T. Wiley
Garry Winogrand
Terry Winters
Bing Wright
All Object Types
Mixed media
All Object Media
11 color intaglio
12 color lithograph
14 color intaglio
14 color intaglio collaged with handmade Mulberry paper
14 color lithograph
15 color spitbite aquatint etching on hand smoked
17 color woodcut
2 color aquatint etching
3 color lithograph
5 color lithograph
5 color lithograph with collage
7 color lithograph
8 color intaglio
Acrylic wash
Altered chromogenic print
Archival inkjet and hand lithography
Archival inkjet print
Black and white photograph
Black and white toned silver print
Chalk and gouache
Charcoal, pastel, dry pigment on paper
Charcoal, pencil, and white pastel
Chromogenic Color Print
Clay print on paper
Collage with matches, tape, and ball-point pen
Collage, pencil, mixed media
Color drypoint etching
color etching, aquatint, lithograph
color etching, portfolio of four
Color lithograph
Color photograph
Color screen print, lithograph, etching
Color silkscreen
Color silkscreen on paper
Color spit bite aquatint etching
Colored pastels
Combine drawing
Crayon, gouache, and ink
Cyanotype, woodblock and intaglio print
Etching on paper
Gelatin silver print
Glass plate print
Glass plate print on paper
Gouache on matboard
Gouache on paper
Graphite, Ink on Paper
Hand painted silver gelatin print
India ink
Ink and felt pen
Ink and wash
Ink on tea stained vellum on panel
Intaglio and Chine Colle
Japanese Mineral Color on handmade Kozo paper, gold leaf.
Lithograph on paper
Mixed media on paper
Oil and wax on paper
Oil on paper
Oil on photographs with pushpins
Oil paintstik
Oilstick on paper
Pencil and colored pencil
Pencil and pastel
Pencil, white chalk, ink
Pigment print, drawing, acrylic on paper
Relief print
Relief print with embossment
Screen print
Sepia wash
Serigraph on paper
Silkscreen in thirty-six colors
Silkscreen in three colors
Silkscreen on paper
silkscreen print
Silver gelatin print with handcoloring
Softground spitbite aquatint etching
Sumi ink
Sumi ink on rice paper
Sumi on rice paper
Tempera on laminated paper
Tempera on linocut on paper
Tempera on paper
Watercolor and Chinese ink on rice paper
Watercolor and gouache
Watercolor and ink
Watercolor and tempera wash and pencil
Watercolor on paper
Watercolor, graphite, gouache, oolong on paper
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